Trash the Dress Australia!

Trash the dress Australia!

Photographers read… September 28, 2007

So you have shot a Trash The Dress session and you want to upload your images to this site. So far so good, send the images to this email. Don’t forget to include some text to go with the images. While we don’t care what camera you are shooting with we want to know how the shoot went and what went down.

Images for submission should be jpegs, preferable sRGB at 72 ppi and the longest side should be no longer that 650px. Feel free to watermark your images, add a border and logo etc. Remember, presentation is everything.

Please keep it to about 10 images from each session.

Publication of submissions in not automatic, images must meet a certain standard of both quality and artistry.

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments either leave a reply below or send an email to Chris.


9 Responses to “Photographers read…”

  1. Alan Says:

    nice to see you have set up the Aus site!
    I’ve been waiting for some warmer weather to offer this idea to my mailing list… probably about time to get onto it.

  2. Great site Chris..Looking forward to submitting more images.

    Very best regards


  3. cant wait to try TTD

  4. Skye Says:

    Hi, I just fell upon this site, its amazing!!

    Also I have just starting blogging, I am using the same design…how do you get your pics to take up maximum room, my pics have remained so small!!!!

    Thanks Skye

  5. jimbo Says:

    so… did ttd die a slow death down under? I mean, no posts in nearly 3 months, and this is yr season?? what gives?

  6. trashthedressaustralia Says:

    Hi jimbo,
    TTD is not dead, but we are running behind with posting the contributions we have received.
    We are running a busy studio and Christmas is especially hectic around here.

    The other issue is that people don’t always follow the guidelines for image submissions, and we don’t really have time to resize and rework everybody’s images.

    merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone.

  7. jimbo Says:

    Chris, that’s cool. I hope the fotogs down under are keeping ttd edgy and interesting. here stateside TTD has become boring and soft to the point of total disinterest. Jimbo

  8. 1chilli Says:

    Will you take shots from NZ even though your Aussie?

  9. Chris Bekos Says:

    Hi Chris,

    What would be the best email address to send you 10 resized samples of a trash the dress shoot we did recently?

    Also once you’ve approved the images how long does it take before they are uploaded onto your site.


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